Articles on: PDF Invoice - Order Printer

Add Download Invoice button to Customer's Account page

Step 1**: In our app, select _Send to Customer Download_ option on the sidebar:  Then Theme Frontend


Edit Text button as you wish
Preview can be visible there on how linked text would look.

Click _Copy_ to copy the code

Step 2: In your Shopify admin page, click on _Online Store_ -> Themes, then **Actions** -> Edit code:

Step 3: Look for **customers/accounts.json or order.liquid or customer/account.liquid_** file_ in **Templates**, then paste the previous code at where you like the invoice link to be shown, and click **Save**:

Note: This won't work for a test order or test stores, it will work on real orders and active stores with plan. Contact us at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#c3b0b6b3b3acb1b783a2b3b3b0a5aaada2afeda0acae) if you face any further issues

Updated on: 22/01/2025

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