Articles on: SKU Code Generator

How to set the attribute for SKUs?

Click the link to watch the video tutorial : F: SKU Code Generator Tutorial

1.The prefix is the initial set of characters in the SKU code. The body is a numeric sequence that uniquely identifies each product in the inventory. It's generated for every product and follows a sequential order. Finally, the suffix is a set of characters that comes at the end of SKU.

2. In addition to the prefix, body, and suffix values, we can also include other information in a SKU code, such as the product variant name, vendor name, and product type. The order of these values can be arranged by dragging and dropping them in the desired order.

3.To provide greater flexibility, we have included an option in the product card section that allows users to exclude the product variant name from the SKU code. This checkbox can be unchecked if the user prefers not to include the product variant name in the SKU code.

4.The separator section allows users to specify a character or number to be added after the prefix and body and before the suffix in a SKU code. This value can be any character or number that the user wants to use.

5.In addition, there is an option to use delimiters in the SKU code. By default, the delimiter will be displayed before the suffix. However, users can check the "Prefix delimiter" checkbox to add the delimiter after the prefix as well. This provides greater flexibility in customizing the SKU code format to suit the user's needs.

There are two select options that allow users to specify how many characters from the product type or product vendor to be added into the SKU code. If the user selects "Not used," the value will not be added to the SKU code.

Updated on: 12/12/2024

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