Add Theme Code to through extension
Here is how you can add custom code to your app in the simplest way. Open the F: Theme Access: Insert CSS app and click on the Enable and Configure button. Even if you already enabled it before, you will be redirected to the theme customisation page. Now you can see three input boxes: Insert HTML, Insert CSS, and Insert JS. ( to Add Code to a Specified Section
Step 1 : Open the editor and click Add block / Add Section. This opens a selection of blocks or apps that you can add. Step 2 : Select the F: HTML/CSS : JS Liquid Code app. It will add a new block to your store. Step 3 : Click on the newly added app block toFew readersAdd code through F
Open the F: Theme Access: Insert CSS app and click on the Add Code button. Now, name your code and choose whether to display it throughout your entire store or only on selected pages. For specific pages, click the Add Page button to make your selections. ( readers