QR Codes
QR Code Style
To personalize your QR code, follow these simple steps: Settings Tab: Choose the color of your QR code to match your preferences. Explore QR Style, Corner Style, and Corner Inner Style options. Test different styles and pick the one that best suits your QR code.Few readersCreate QR Code
Here is how you can create QR codes using the QR Code Generator app. Open the QR Code Generator app and click on the Create Campaign button. Choose the barcode type you wish to create, I am choosing the Home Page for now. Now you can add a name toFew readersCreate QR Code for Product, Home, Collection, cart, checkout, shopify pages
1. Create a Campaign: Click the Create Campaign button and select Home Page. 2. Store URL: Your store URL will auto-load in the Store Name input box. Adjust if needed. 3. Customise QR Code: Change the QR code image style to fit your occasion. !Few readers